The Soulful Squad

The MASTERMIND For Elevating Your Entreprenuerial Journey!

75% of Entrepreneurs and Leaders Experience Loneliness & Lack of Connection.

Which hampers creativity, clouds focus, and darkens the soul.
What if there was a better option? Picture being in a room with like-minded innovators committed to helping you grow exponentially. After spending half the day expanding each other’s possibilities, you head out on an adventure in nature for filling the soul.
Welcome to the Soulful Squad Members-Only Mastermind led by Hall-of-Fame speaker, author, expert, and influencer, Mike Domitrz.
Experience high-energy workshops, onsite events, an online community, and retreats throughout the year designed to provide connection, growth, and adventure for your soul.

The Soulful Squad:
Your Partner In Growth And Adventure.

Members Are:


Do you love learning and actively engaging in conversations? At Soulful Squad Mastermind events, get ready to be inspired with new ideas, mindsets, skills, and paradigm shifts. If you are someone who prefers not to engage, except to complain, then this community is not for you.


Each of us has greatness. What is yours? What have you done that others would love to learn about? The answer could be professionally or personally. At Soulful Squad Mastermind events, every person is expected to attend with a mindset of, “I have so much to give. Who can I support today?” And on days when you need support, be willing to ask for it.
If you are walking in with a mindset of, “Who can I make money off of in this room?”, you will not be a good fit for the Soulful Squad Mastermind.


Do friends and colleagues describe you as “Giving”? Are you someone willing to share precisely how you succeeded or overcame a challenge with no fear of others “learning your secret”? Are you willing to be fully vulnerable with the room? In the Soulful Squad Mastermind, no one holds back which is what makes the connection with each other so special and meaningful.
At the Soulful Squad Mastermind, we are intentional in giving back to the world! What does this mean? At one of our onsite Masterminds, we host an event the day before or after where our members give back to the community sharing their gifts and wisdom. We host a 1/2 day Summit to inspire and empower others who don’t have access to our combined skills and wisdom.

Nature And Adventure Enthusiasts

Nature is the universe’s greatest therapy. Do you love being in nature – whether going for a walk around a lake or kayaking or swimming in the lake or maybe water skiing on the lake? What about hiking up a mountain to arrive at a waterfall? What about snorkeling or scuba diving? Ready to jump in?
The Soulful Squad is all about combining workshops with adventure in nature (when weather permits). If you’d rather stay back at the hotel and get work done, this Mastermind is not going to be a good fit.

"Nature combined with fellowship of peers is a magical gift from the universe."

Mike Domitrz
Founder of the Soulful Squad Mastermind

The Cost Of Disconnection.

Anxiety & Overwhelm

When you feel like you are alone on the journey of entrepreneurship, the world can feel like it falls on your shoulders. Subtle or obvious alarms start to go off in your mind and body. The people in your life can’t help you because they are not wired like you. And one of the areas anxiety impacts the most is sleep which is critical to vibrancy. You don’t have to be on this journey alone anymore.

Lack Of Focus

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to focus when you are feeling off? As an entrepreneur, being around people with the right energies and mindsets can provide a reset that can last for weeks and months. Too often entrepreneurs ignore this essential piece.

Getting Stuck

Somedays, do you wish you had a magic wand that could easily provide you the exact resource you are seeking for the next step on a project you are building or a different set of eyes to provide you helpful feedback? With the right Mastermind, you can ask everyone for possible solutions. Poof. The magic begins.


Do you ever find yourself looking for the “next great idea” when the reality is you haven’t maximized your current journey? Entrepreneurs frequently feel this way when the anxiety, overwhelm, and feeling stuck start to accumulate. What if fellow Mastermind members could see possibilities in your current project that would rejuvenate your excitement and focus? Go from Burnout to Pumped Up!

Welcome to The Soulful Squad's Year-

Round Mastermind with Mike Domitrz.

Live Virtual Workshops

Every quarter, you will have the opportunity to attend a live virtual 2-hour workshop led by Mike Domitrz that will provide you the opportunity to connect with fellow trailblazers while also learning from a top expert who will be sharing with the group. Can’t make the meeting? No worries. Watch the recording later.

Your Online Community

Have a question you’d love to get answers from the group on? You don’t have to wait til the next meeting. Jump into our private FaceBook group and ask your question. Do you have a resource you’d love to tell everyone about? Go for it on the FaceBook page. Have a success you’d like to brag about? Go for it. We want to cheer you on.

Full Day In-Person Events

Each quarter, get ready for a day full of self-discovery, learning, connection, and adventure. Spend half the day diving deep into conversations for personal development (mental health, wellness, vibrancy, spirituality, finances) and professional growth (sales, marketing, branding, tech, AI, and much more).
After lunch, get ready to go a hike or adventure with the entire group. The 1-on-1 conversations and newfound friendships during this time can be priceless.
If you can’t make the full-day events in-person, attend live virtually for the learning sessions or watch the recordings afterward.

3-Day Retreats

Throughout the year, the Soulful Squad will host at least two 3-Day Retreats at special locations. The first half of the day is where we will hear from top experts, work in small groups for overcoming challenges you are currently facing, and have members share their brilliance in 15-minute talks.
Next, get ready for an adventure. Our retreats are typically held near mountains, water, or forests to provide members the best outdoor experiences together.
And there could be surprises along the way!

What if I can’t make a meeting?

What if you can’t make a meeting? No worries. Attend the ones you can. Still learn from all the lessons you missed by watching in the online library a few days later.

Imagine your life having a brilliant, giving crew you can turn to at any moment.

Meet Our Founder & Your Host, Mike Domitrz

Hi. I’m Mike Domitrz, your host of the Soulful Squad Mastermind. Yep that is me in the picture scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef in the summer of 2023 (I was in Australia for a speaking event).
As a Hall-of-Fame speaker, author, and subject matter expert, I have dedicated my life to helping people build Mutually Amazing Relationships. I personally love helping our members with this mission.
What I discovered is that us entrepreneurs often struggle – no matter how great life is going – when we are missing the one key piece our mind and soul seeks most often.

The Missing Piece for Most Trailblazers is . . .

A Heart-Based Community Of Peers

While our work as entrepreneurs can provide lots of meaning and fulfillment, we long for a deeply connected community of our peers going through similar entrepreneurial challenges. And thus the Soulful Squad Mastermind was born.

What Separates The Soulful Squad?

Brilliance In The Group

Not everyone gets in! Every member is personally interviewed by Mike Domitrz for their brilliance and their caring soul.

Adventure In Nature

Hiking together. Kayaking together. Being in nature together is a powerful connector for mind, body, and soul.

Mind, Money, Body, & Soul

While we will share ways to make money, our Mastermind events are not focused on that one goal. We take a holistic approach to the human experience.

Giving Back

Givers, givers, and more givers is what the Soulful Squad is made of. In addition to giving back to the group, we host special events where members can give back to the world at large.

No Sales Zone

In the Soulful Squad, no one will be selling you their services. You are not here to be sold to. If you want to team up with someone for a project, that’s cool!

Your Bank Account

Unlike many high-end Mastermind programs, you won’t need to pay the price of a new car to stay in the group each year. We have created a pricing structure built to be affordable for more entrepreneurs.

The Choice Is Yours!

When you build a mutually amazing relationship with someone, you do so enthusiastically and freely (under no pressure, guilt, shame, or psychological manipulation). And that is exactly how we are building the Soulful Squad Mastermind Membership. No pressure.
The investment is straight foward and designed to accommodate entrepreneurs on different places in their path.
  • If you earn less than $150,000 US dollars a year, the yearly cost is $3,000 per person.
  • If you earn $150,000 or more a year, the yearly cost is $5,000 per person.
The Soulful Squad Online Community, the 2-Hour Live Virtual Workshops and the One-Day In-Person Events are all included. The only additional registration costs are when you attend a 3-Day Retreat which is $750 per retreat.
Each Soulful Squad member is responsible for making and paying for their own travel, transportation, lodging and meals (we do provide complimentary breakfast and lunch at our onsite events).
For those who join and pay in full by the end of February 2023, you will receive special access to a 3-hour workshop Mike Domitrz will provide members-only later in the year on making a bigger impact in the world as a speaker.

Schedule Your Interview with Mike:

Contact Us

Call Toll-Free 800-329-9390 or
We love our members so feel free to call or email anytime during normal business hours.

Get In Touch